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Filter Users on Update user form

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Use Case: 

Once we select update user request form, It displays all identities in our system. The requirement we have is to make only a set of identities under an organization to be displayed or  just a category of employee type to be displayed. 

for example: we have few users with employee type set to 'XYZ' we only need these users to be displayed in update user request form. is it possible? 



Hi @Sbachu ,

This is possible. The configuration is under users' sav role.


Refer sample JSON for Organization filter:

        "query":"select a from Users a where in (select cu.userkey from Customer_Users cu where cu.customerkey in (select from Customer c where c.customername='${users.customer}'))"

Refer solution article: Solved: how to control the organization name in a Whom To ... - Saviynt Forums - 88568

Refer sample JSON for employeetype filter:

"for":"RequestAccessforOthers","query":"select a from Users a where a.manager= ${} and a.statuskey=1"},{"for":"UpdateUserRequest","query":"select a from Users a where a.employeeType IN ('External','Third Party','Vendor') and a.manager= ${} and a.statuskey=1"},{"for":"RequestAccessOthersMultiUser","query":"select a from Users a where a.manager= ${} and a.statuskey=1"},{"for":"ViewExistingAccess","query":"select a from Users a where a.manager= ${} and a.statuskey=1"

For your use case, below is the solution!

[{"for":"UpdateUserRequest","query":"select a from Users a where a.employeeType IN ('XYZ') and a.statuskey=1"}]


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@Sbachu  Try Respected SAV Role made some below changes



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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

This isn't working as expected. I still see all users when i use the 'Update User Request' form. Are there any feature access that i should avoid in SAV Role? 



  • You need to add condition to all sav roles user having

Rushikesh Vartak
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@Sbachu ,

The query is right, and I could see filtered users. Please re-check once. Please try different filters in where clause to get only those records..


You can try only query in HQL as well (Both are working)



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its working. Thanks All @PremMahadikar  @rushikeshvartak @Raghu 

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

can we restrict the view of Update User Request form to a particular employee type irrespective of SAV Role?  
Our users (Managers) will have variety of SAV roles so we want to restrict this view at form level and not based on SAV roles.

It can be only controlled based on sav role

Rushikesh Vartak
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