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Dynamically obtain access token from token endpoint for REST based target

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a requirement for a specific REST based target integrated with Saviynt to fetch the access token with the rotated password.

The target system will rotate the password of the token endpoint (which provides the access token) on a periodic basis. The new password will be published through a password API endpoint. Saviynt must be able to obtain the changed password and get the new bearer token using the user ID and new password for the token endpoint. This bearer token will be used to get the access token in subsequent calls the password for the token endpoint changes the next time around.

I am thinking that a custom JAR can be used to obtain the changed password on a periodic basis and obtain the bearer token which can then be updated in the connectionJSON within Saviynt.

However, I don't see any API to update the connectionJSON in REST connector. Is there a solution that can be implemented in Saviynt to meet this requirement?



Use Test connection API.

Test Connection


This API is used to save and test a connection. 

Refer full solution : 

Rushikesh Vartak
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