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Notification of New Users credentials to end Users so that they can Login and Reset password on SSM

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on March 5 2020 at 11:24 UTC


We are new to Saviynt. This might be a basic Question. We have below requirement and we are not sure how to achieve the same. Could someone please help us with the steps.

Use Case: We have a CSV file with Users which needs to be uploaded into SSM, which we are aware of but at the same time we also need to set a password and communicate over email to end users automatically. So that the end user can login and reset his password on SSM. We know that manually we can set/reset password and communicate over phone/email but that's not possible when we have 1000's of users. Is there any automated way to dynamically set a random password and communicate the username/Password over email?

Also, we observed that by default all users are getting assigned with SAV_ADMIN role. How do we stop this and put a custom rule to assign the roles based on some attribute value coming from CSV file.

Appreciate any kind of help.



This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on March 6 2020 at 10:59 UTC

Hi Chandan,

For sending emails to end users when they are created into Saviynt, you can set up a User Update rule that will apply when Identity is created, and tick the 'Detective' checkbox to tell that this event will be triggered on import.


Next, use a simple condition that matches your CSV file such as 'Username not null' as below


If you will have other imports that will be running in your system that would insert identities and on which you don't want to have email to be sent, then you might add conditions that are only met in your import (such as a flag on a custom property)

Finally, select as action 'Notfiy As An Email' and select the email template that you previously initialized. You can select 2 emails to send separately the username and password of the user :


Therefore, when you import your users into Saviynt using a CSV file, make sure to tick the "Check Rules" option to "Yes" so emails can be triggered


During your import, you can set a generic password to everyone in one dedicated column and past the same value in your second email template.


Email templates are configured in the Admin Configuration page where you can use the user attributes to dynamically send the email and display the content.


${} targets the email of the identity that you just created.

If you're new to Saviynt, you must have an enough recent version that enables you to see the "Configuration Files" menu on the sidebar which let you update the file where you will find the below line :


You can simply add a hashtag (#) character at the beginning to avoid assigning ROLE_ADMIN role to each user created.

Please note that before updating this file, you must communicate with the Saviynt team to validate. They must restart the platform in order to apply this change.

I hope this helps you starting with Saviynt !



This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on March 10 2020 at 05:29 UTC

Hi Adrien,

Got bit held up with work.

Thank you for the response. Appreciate your effort with screenshots as it was easy for us to follow.

We tested this yesterday and its working fine to an extent. Only thing is emails are not getting triggered and we are trying to take a look at it.

Currently we have hard coded the password in CSV file by adding an additional column called "Password" which is working fine but the issue is we have thousands of User records and it is not possible to hard code for all users. Attached sample of our User_File showing Password column.

Is there a way to set the password through some rules that will apply for all users during import or user creation in Saviynt?

For Users getting default SAV_ADMIN roles, currently we do not have the latest version of SSM. We have contacted Saviynt for upgrade. Will keep you posted.

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on April 7 2021 at 10:48 UTC

Hi Chandan,

We have a similar use case of setting the password for new users. Were you able to get desired solution for this? If yes, could you please provide the solution worked for you?


Pavani Bharadwaj A

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.