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Importing Computer objectType as entitlements in AD

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 25 2020 at 15:19 UTC

Currently we have requirement of importing "computer" type object from AD.

Instead of looking object (objectClass=group) , we need to import (objectClass=Computer) objects in saviynt.

is it possible to do that?

I tried to import the object with following parameters but getting ArrayIndexOutofBounds exception everytime.

"entitlementTypeName": "",
"performGroupAccountLinking": "true",
"incrementalTimeField": "whenChanged",
"groupObjectClass": "(objectclass=computer)”,
"mapping": "customProperty2:dn_char,customProperty5:cn_char,entitlement_value:dn_char,customProperty17:distinguishedName_char,entitlement_id:distinguishedName_char”

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 26 2020 at 15:02 UTC

Currently importing Computer type object as entitlements in AD is not supported

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on May 6 2021 at 15:43 UTC

Hi Pramod,

Can I import Computer objectType as account into SSM? like by creating a new connection for AD, and once it is reconciled with Saviynt user then we add entitlement into this computer object account?
This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.