Certifications Best Practices
Best practices to be considered before launching Campaigns.
Applicable version
Best Practices (Applicable to All Types of Campaigns)
- Always review the campaign configurations carefully before launching the campaigns unless using “Campaign Templates”.
- Always plan to launch certifications after reviewing them in “Preview” state.
- For launching large campaigns (containing a large number of certifiers), launch the campaign for a smaller subset in preview mode and validate the data.
- Ensure that you are limiting the scope of your campaign by selecting applicable applications rather than selecting ALL.
- Campaigns are launched based on the data present in the system. Please ensure that the data present in the system is up to date. It is recommended to launch the campaign post successful execution of the Import jobs for respective applications. This will ensure that the data is up to date.
- Try to define separate default and primary certifiers while configuring campaigns.
- If using Advanced Campaign Configurations, then use the respective table for each applicable section. For example, If you are defining a query under Users Query then refer Users table only. If you want to add additional logic to include/exclude entitlements then use the Entitlements Query.
- Campaign variables to be used in the email templates are mentioned in the documentation portal. No other variable is supported apart from the ones mentioned in the documentation. Format of the email templates should be well tested before it is moved to Production.
- If a campaign is sent for consultation by Manager/Owners, Consultant may send back the campaign without taking any actions. Hence Email Template associated with Consultant Campaign completion should be appropriately worded to reflect “An action has been taken” and not reflect – “certification tasks assigned to him/her has been completed”
- In Campaigns, by default, Consultant is anybody who is a “manager” in an Identity store. Plan for the configuration change, if you want a consultant to be from a desired set of users or all users.
- Respective campaign jobs should be scheduled once the campaign is launched. Eg: Scheduling of the Campaign Reminder Job to send out the Reminder emails.
- Please note that a campaign owner cannot be consulted in a campaign.
- Before launching the campaign, ensure that all certifiers, User, Accounts, roles and Entitlements are Active applicable for the respective campaign launched.
- Reviewing Child Entitlements in User Manager and Application Owner campaigns is not supported. In order to review child entitlements, please launch an EO campaign.
Document reference