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Hello, We integrated ServiceNow with Saviynt as ticketing tool and we are trying to pull ticket status from ServiceNow and it's not giving any error but it's not pulling the status either. Attaching the Ticket Status JSON.  Thank you. [This message h...
Hello,We noticed that Sav4Sav REST accounts that are disabled (Manually Suspended) using a disable account JSON, go back to the active state the next time our Sav4SavREST account import jobs run. I suppose this is related to statusColumn/activeStatus...
Hello Experts, I have integrated ServiceNow as ticketing system with Saviynt and I am trying to create ticket in ServiceNow using Create Ticket JSON. Below is my Create Ticket JSON- {"ticketidPath": "call1.message.result.request_number",  "call": [  ...
We have integrated Saviynt with PingID OneAccount for SSO implementation, using two approaches- one for Admin another for non-admin users. List of Admin users are put into AD groups for authentication.  We are assigning ROLE_ADMIN SAV Role for Admin ...
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‎09/19/2024 08:17 AM