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10/03/2024 01:48 AM
I would like to do the following.
I want to link the custom properties of the Saviynt user to the proxyAdress of the Active Directory.
There can be only one or multiple proxyAdress values to be linked.
Therefore, we have divided the conditions into those with “,” in the value and those without.
I have listed the following JSON in UpdateAccountJSON but an error is occurring.
I would like to know how to correct this.
“${{if (user.customproperty2.contains(',')) {[user.customproperty2.toString().replace(','',"')]} else {user.customproperty2}}”
10/03/2024 02:05 AM
“${user.customproperty2.contains(',')) ? user.customproperty2.replace(',','') : user.customproperty2}”
This is the format, data wise you need to need to check yourself.
10/07/2024 07:15 PM
I would like to know how this would work if it were applied.
“${user.customproperty2.contains(','')) ? user.customproperty2.replace(',','') : user.customproperty2}”
10/07/2024 08:04 PM
"${{user.customproperty2.contains(',') ? user.customproperty2.replace(',', "','") : user.customproperty2}}"