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Service account owner

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 2 2021 at 13:10 UTC

Hello Team,

How to bulk update the rank of service accounts owners to Primary/Secondary certifier from Rank1,2,3..., so that, we can launch the service account campaign.

Currently, we have updated handful of service accounts owners as Primary certifier from Rank 1 and launching the campaign in lower env.



This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 8 2021 at 21:01 UTC

Hi Rahul,

You can use a csv file to bulk upload the updates to the service account owners from Admin > Accounts > Action > Upload Account

You need to create a file per endpoint as the selection in the UI requires you to select the Security System Name.

A sample file is attached alongside.


Avinash Chhetri

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on March 29 2022 at 14:25 UTC


Related to this topic:

Is it in anyway possible to set Service Account certifier using ARS-module (create/update service account)? Is this going to be fixed in some newer version?

Is it possible to select certifier using service account campaign.



This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.