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Incremental Import Job gets hung up

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Regular Contributor

We created an incremental import job for the entitlements from Active Directory. When we run the job, the job is running for hours without finding an end. The only way to stop the job is an application restart.

Our full import job for entitlements and the incremental import job for accounts is both working fine. We have about 15.000 entitlements and the full entitlement import only takes up to 3 minutes, so the amount of data should not be the problem.

We also tried to delete the job and set up a new one with the same results.

Do you have any ideas what could be the problem here? Thank you!




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee


Can you make sure your object filter at the connection level looks like the below?


Try not mentioning the 'full' and 'incremental' as part of the JSON.

You can select full and incremental as part of the job trigger.

Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 11.06.41 AM.png

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hello DaanishJawed,

Thank you for your suggestion!

We tested adapting the object filter JSON, unfortunately it does not change the job to be running endlessly

Apart from that, we think this object filter only affects the account import, because for entitlements we can specify the filter in the groupImportMapping. 

Do you have another idea what could affect the job to be not able to end?

Can you share your groupImportMapping assuming groups are your entitlements. 

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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

We have the following groupImportMapping:


"importGroupHierarchy": "true",
"entitlementTypeName": "memberOf",
"performGroupAccountLinking": "true",
"incrementalTimeField": "whenChanged",
"groupObjectClass": "(objectclass=group)",
"mapping": "RECONCILATION_FIELD:customproperty17,createdate:whenCreated_date,description:description_char,displayname:name_char,entitlement_glossary:description_char,entitlement_value:distinguishedName_char,entitlementid:distinguishedName_char,memberHash:member_char,updatedate:whenChanged_date,customproperty1:sAMAccountType_char,customproperty2:instanceType_char,customproperty3:uSNCreated_char,customproperty4:groupType_char,customproperty5:dSCorePropagationData_char,customproperty6:name_char,customproperty7:objectCategory_char,customproperty8:sAMAccountName_char,customproperty9:distinguishedName_char,customproperty10:cn_char,customproperty11:objectClass_char,customproperty12:managedBy_char,customproperty13:objectGUID_Binary,customproperty14:info_char,customproperty17:distinguishedName_char",
"activeGroupPossibleValues": []