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Help to identify which Technical/User Update rules is taking longer time to process

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Experts

Do we have any analytics to identify the time taken for each Technical /User update rules to get processed.

Currently we are observing that for some reason , Detective Provisioning rules Job takes longer than usual(approx 2-2.5 hours) when we select "All Detective"

We would like to know which one is actually causing the Job to run longer to correct it if any.

I can see there is one CC_Detected - Automated Access Provisioning Rules,but it just lists all the rules and status like Active/Inactive etc


We are in v5.5SP3.





Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee


Please validate these below config & see if it helps.

i: You need to check file by navigating to datadrive/apache/apache-tomcat-X/webapps/ECM/WEB-INF/classes/

Please check for the below configuration:

org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 4.

 If the above configuration is set to 4 or a lower number, you need to increase the count to the desired value. 

 ii: sav.rulerunjobcount=15 needs to be enabled in the file

 iii: Run the command "df -h" and check how much memory is allocated to sharedappdrive and how much memory is used. If available memory is less had to contact the infra team to increase the space.

 Need to clear up the cache memory as well.

iv: Need to check for the technical rules as well and see if there are more than 100 rules that are getting evaluated for each and every user. Sometimes, the rules that are evaluated also play a major role in determining the time taken by the job to compete.



Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Thank you Srinivas for the detailed explanation. Much appreciated.

I would need to take the help of Saviynt's Support team on this as we are not having access to server boxes . 

