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Data base connector user import after user updating not reflecting in target Application

New Contributor
New Contributor

Dear team,

I have submitted both the user-import and update user XML files in the database connector for comparison, along with the update user JSON. However, the update user task was triggered only after executing the provision job. It is currently pending and not completed. Could you please help resolve this issue? The job should finish running and show the changes in the target application, such as the MySQL server database.

The user import  xml format is like this  

<sql-query description="This is the Source DB Query" uniquecolumnsascommaseparated="emp_id">
<![CDATA[select firstname,lastname,username, emp_id,phonenumber,title,status from dbo.employee]]>
<userOperationsAllowed>create or update</userOperationsAllowed>
<mapper description="This is the mapping field for Saviynt Field name" dateformat="timestamp" incrementalcolumn="updatedate">
<mapfield saviyntproperty="username" sourceproperty="username" type="character"/>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="firstname" sourceproperty="firstname" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="lastname" sourceproperty="lastname" type="character"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="statuskey" sourceproperty="status" type="number"></mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="title" sourceproperty="title" type="">character</mapfield>
<mapfield saviyntproperty="employeeid" sourceproperty="emp_id" type="character"></mapfield>


Update user JSON format

"CALL testproc();",
"UPDATE users SET title='${user.title}', FIRSTNAME='${user.firstname}' WHERE emp_id='${user.employeeid}';"


After running the provision job its still pending only 


and its not reflected in target application 

Note: The after user import through user update rule based triggering the like update user 



Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Hi @lakshman , is testproc() a procedure?

And is the query working in MySQL database?


Could you kindly provide a detailed snapshot of the information extracted from the logs, encompassing errors and other pertinent functionality details encountered during the execution of this process? Your assistance in furnishing this information would greatly aid in the analysis and resolution of any issues .

‼️‼️⚠️Do not upload any attachments that contain sensitive information, such as IP Addresses, URLs, Company/Employee Names, Email Addresses, etc.⚠️‼️‼️

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @lakshman ,

If you are not using any stored procedure defined in SQL, remove "CALL testproc();", in UPDATEUSERJSON and try. and also make sure the mapping of attributes is correct.