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REST Pagination not fetching next page.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 6 2021 at 11:54 UTC


How to iterate  "firstPageNumber": to fetch next page?

            "httpParams": "{\"UseGlobalCatalog\":\"false\",\"SearchRoot\": \"OU=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"${pageSizeParam}\":\"${pageSize}\",\"${pageNumberParam}\":\"${firstPageNumber}\",\"ReturnAttributes\":[ \"description\",\"sAMAccountName\",\"name\"]}",              "httpMethod": "POST",              "httpContentType": "application/json",              "httpHeaders": {                "Authorization": "${access_token}",                "Accept": "application/json"              }            },            "listField": "",            "keyField": "displayname",                   "colsToPropsMap": {              "customproperty1": "Path~#~char",              "entitlement_glossary": "",              "displayname": "",              "entitlementID": "Guid~#~char",              "entitlement_value": "NativeGuid~#~char"},            "pagination": {            "PageWithHttpParamsAndHeaders": {            "pageSizeParam": "pageSize",            "pageSize": 25,            "pageNumberParam": "PageOffset",            "firstPageNumber": 1,            "pageRecordCount": "objectList",            "totalCountPath": 25000,            "paginationLocation": "httpParams"          }        }      }     }    }  }},  "acctEntParams": {    "processingType": "acctToEntMapping"  }}

Best Regards,Päivi

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 13 2021 at 15:46 UTC

Hello Paivi,

The support for pagination in http Body and Headers was introduced as part of release v2020.1

Please check the sections uder REST Connector in the documentation link shared below :


Avinash Chhetri

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 13 2021 at 18:32 UTC

Hi! Yes,that’s clear. Is this pagination working in 5.5 SP 3.9? As we need to implement pagination That uses PageOffset(as it is supported in target). We are also able to fetch objects from target by using httpParams(I have tested this in Postman) and using PageOffset. E.g if I set it to be 1 it will bring ne first page of objects. If I set it to be 2 it will bring me next page of objects. Anyhow pagination example that i shared is giving following error. Do you know what this error is about? 2021-10-13 05:49:31,269 [quartzScheduler_Worker-1] DEBUG rest.RestUtilService - Error in getNextUrlForPagination: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.util.HashMap, java.lang.Integer, java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[headers:[Cache-Control:no-cache, Server:Microsoft-IIS/10.0, ...], ...], ...] Possible solutions: getAt(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String), getAt(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.util.Map), getAt(java.lang.String), wait(), grep(), getClass() 2021-10-13 05:49:31,270 [quartzScheduler_Worker-1] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - calling buildEntitlementMappings.. 2021-10-13 05:49:31,270 [quartzScheduler_Worker-1] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - Inside RestProvisioiningService.buildEntitlementMappings 2021-10-13 05:49:31,271 [https-jsse-nio-443-exec-384] DEBUG services.WorkflowmanagementService - disablesorting = false 2021-10-13 05:49:31,274 [https-jsse-nio-443-exec-378] DEBUG services.WorkflowmanagementService - QRY CHECK select new Map(ev.entitlement_value as entitlement_value, as id,ev.entitlementtypekey as entitlementtypekey ,ev.description as description,ev.entitlement_glossary as entitlement_glossary,ev.syscritical as syscritical,ev.soxcritical as soxcritical,ev.risk as risk,ev.displayname as displayname ) from Entitlement_values ev where ev.status=1 and =250 AND ev.status=1 and in (653988) BR Päivi
This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 13 2021 at 19:23 UTC

If it is not,how we can implement pagination By using PageOffSet in REST Connector? BR Päivi
This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 14 2021 at 23:26 UTC


Based on the release notes for v5.5 SP3.9, It doesn't look like the pagination in http body and header is supported. 

Here's the release notes for v5.5 SP3.9 :


Avinash Chhetri

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 18 2021 at 18:26 UTC

Hi! This is a bit dilemma. I should implement pagination by using PageOffSet. How can I implement it if I cannot use above method? Over 18000 computer objects should be imported via REST into Saviynt and now it is not happening. Best Regards,Päivi
This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 21 2021 at 19:45 UTC

Hi Paivi,

I can understand your situation. I'd suggest to reach out to your Customer Support Manager (if you have one) and explore the possibilities of getting this fix.


Avinash Chhetri

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.