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REST API Connector "NO Auth" Authorization Type

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 22 2019 at 15:53 UTC

Can Saviynt handle REST API request that do not require authorization and if so what is the appropriate syntax? I have not had success with connecting to endpoints that do not require authorization.

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on November 29 2019 at 07:54 UTC

Yes, Saviynt can handle the APIs without Authorization.

The connection JSON is mandatory in the REST connection. Pass a dummy Connection JSON and remove the "Authorization": "${access_token}" line from the header of the import or provisioning JSON.


Vedanth B.K

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.