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06/22/2022 06:13 AM
We have requirement to make Remove Access task by checking Last Login date from another endpoint? is this feasible?
If datediff is greater than 90 days in Endpoint A, then we need to create remove access tasks for Endpoint B. Could you please guide us how to make query for this?
06/22/2022 08:19 AM
Can you please check this query and tweak based on your requirement.
SELECT u.username AS 'Username', u.FIRSTNAME as 'User First Name', u.LASTNAME as 'User Last Name', e.DISPLAYNAME as 'Application Name', name as 'Account Name' , a.lastlogondate AS 'Last Logon', case when (a.status=1) then 'Active' else a.status end AS 'Account Status' FROM accounts a, user_accounts ua, users u, endpoints e where ua.accountkey = a.accountkey and u.userkey = ua.userkey and a.endpointkey = a.endpointkey and a.status IN ('1' , 'Manually Provisioned') AND DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), lastlogondate) >= 60 AND lastlogondate is not null;
06/22/2022 08:29 AM
Thanks for your feedback. I am aware of this query and using it already..
I want to create revoke access tasks based on datediff in another endpoint endpoint
06/22/2022 08:40 AM
This is query I am trying to do but it didn't work as I expected.
select ev.entitlement_valuekey as entvaluekey, a.accountkey as acctKey, as accName,u.userKey,'Deprovision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics'
from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey
AND like ''
and e.endpointkey= 1
and u.userkey in (select ua.userkey from user_accounts ua,accounts a,users u where ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey and datediff(curdate(),lastlogon) > 90)
and ev.customproperty2 in (select e.endpointname from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1 where A.ENDPOINTKEY = E.ENDPOINTKEY
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey and datediff(curdate(),lastlogon) > 90)
06/22/2022 12:17 PM
what is wrong in output in query. for other endpoint where is lastlogin stored? how to identify ?
06/22/2022 04:11 PM
Lastlogondate for endpointkey = 1
Make deprovision access for endpointkey = 2
We want to revoke access all if this meet condition like below
Ev.customproperty2 = endpointname for endpointkey1
06/22/2022 06:43 PM
SELECT distinct AS AccountName, U.USERNAME, u.FirstName, u.LastName, A.STATUS AS AccountStatus, a.accountkey AS acctKey,ev.entitlement_valuekey AS entvaluekey, 'Active_Directory_Remove_Access' as Application, 'Deprovision Access' AS Default_Action_For_Analytics FROM users u, user_accounts ua, accounts a, endpoints ep,entitlement_types et,account_entitlements1 ae1,entitlement_values ev WHERE u.userkey = ua.userkey AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey AND a.endpointkey = ep.endpointkey AND a.accountkey=ae1.accountkey AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey=ev.entitlement_valuekey AND ep.endpointname = '<EndpointNameTaskToBeCreated>' AND in ( select from accounts pa,endpoints ep where ep.endpointkey=pa.endpointkey and a.status IN ('1' , 'Manually Provisioned') and DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), lastlogondate) >= 90 AND lastlogondate is not null and ev.customproperty2=ep.endpointname)
06/22/2022 06:57 PM
Thanks for your response! I thnk I didn't explain clearly about requirement. And I made one query like below and there is no data found..
select ev.entitlement_valuekey as entvaluekey, a.accountkey as acctKey, as accName,u.userKey,'Deprovision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics'
from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND e.endpointkey = 477
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey
and u.userkey in (select ua.userkey from user_accounts ua,accounts a,users u where ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey and datediff(curdate(),a.lastlogondate) > 90 and a.endpointkey = 1303)
and ev.customproperty2 in (select SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(e.endpointname,'_', 1),'_', -1) from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1 where A.ENDPOINTKEY = E.ENDPOINTKEY
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey and datediff(curdate(),a.lastlogondate) > 90 and a.endpointkey = 1303)
Basically, we have endpoint 1303 and endpoint 477
We want to check lastlogindate in endpont 1303
and make revoke access all entitlement that has endpointname in ev.customproperty2
for example, I made test data in dev like below
And we have appName in custom property 2 of entitlement_value
As I can't can't make endpoint with same name, I put suffix '_IC' and substring this in query to make it same as ev.customproperty2
ev.customproperty2 in (select SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(e.endpointname,'_', 1),'_', -1)
06/22/2022 08:48 AM
entitlements customproperty2 in another endpoint has endpoint name for one endpoint with last login date, so I added follwoing condition at the end
and ev.customproperty2 in (select e.endpointname from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1 where A.ENDPOINTKEY = E.ENDPOINTKEY
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey and datediff(curdate(),lastlogon) > 90)
06/22/2022 11:55 AM
Hi ,
I just reconstructed the highlighted part of your query and tested. I can see there is a lastlogondate in accounts table.
Can you please check if this helps.
select e.endpointname from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1 where A.ENDPOINTKEY = E.ENDPOINTKEY
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey and datediff(curdate(),lastlogon) > 90
select acc.lastlogondate AS 'Last Logon',ev.entitlement_value,ep.endpointname as "ENDPOINTNAME", u.username as "USERNAME"
from users u
left join user_Accounts ua on
u.userkey = ua.userkey
left join accounts acc on
acc.accountkey = ua.accountkey
left join account_entitlements1 ae1 on
left join entitlement_values ev on
left join endpoints ep on
ep.endpointkey = acc.endpointkey
AND DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), lastlogondate) >= 90;
06/22/2022 06:48 PM
I made query like below
select ev.entitlement_valuekey as entvaluekey, a.accountkey as acctKey, as accName,u.userKey,'Deprovision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics'
from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND e.endpointkey = 477
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey
and u.userkey in (select ua.userkey from user_accounts ua,accounts a,users u where ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey and datediff(curdate(),a.lastlogondate) > 90 and a.endpointkey = 1303)
and ev.customproperty2 in (select SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(e.endpointname,'_', 1),'_', -1) from entitlement_values ev, accounts a,user_accounts ua,users u,endpoints e,account_entitlements1 ae1 where A.ENDPOINTKEY = E.ENDPOINTKEY
AND ua.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND u.userkey = ua.userkey
AND ae1.accountkey = a.accountkey
AND ae1.entitlement_valuekey = ev.entitlement_valuekey and datediff(curdate(),a.lastlogondate) > 90 and a.endpointkey = 1303)
But I found no data found message even if I have one test data I created.
Basically, I want to check lastlogindate in endpointkey = 1303 and remove all access that has that endpoint name in endpointkey = 477
06/22/2022 07:58 PM
I resolved this issue.
06/22/2022 10:44 PM
@ejeong - What is the solution for others who may have a similar question?