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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Use Case

Consider, we have launched a User Manager campaign, Role Owner Campaign, Entitlement Owner Campaign, and Service Account Campaign, and the launch succeeded, and all the data has been populated fine. 

Now after two days, we have decided to activate the campaign. 

During activation, the Campaign got activated, but the email-sending server has gone down and all the emails have not been delivered, and only a set of emails has been delivered. 

The following approach will define the approach to reprocessing the emails which have not been delivered to the users using Analytical control. 

With this approach, you can send Campaign Create and all Reminder Notifications.




Applicable Version(s)




1) We need to tweak the existing email template parameters so that the new email template will read the parameters from the analytical control and proceed with the email delivery.

2) The Analytical control query to identify the records for whom the email delivery hasn't been done. 


        a) Take a Campaign Export from the UI. Take a list of all the email ids of all the reviewers.

        b) Take a list of all the Email ids from the logs which have been sent. 

Tip: From the Campaign Start / Activation Timestamp, Search for the string, "sending mail to:" 

        c) Compare the Email ids against the Campaign Export and take the delta.

        d) Create an Analytical control Query for all the users with all the email parameters used in the Campaign Create / Reminder Email like the below:


firstname as 'IFIRSTNAME', 
lastname as 'ILASTNAME', 
'41' as 'ICAMPID', 
'31-Jul-2023' as 'ICAMPDATEEND' 
from users u 
where username in ('<username1>','<username2>','<username3>');


3) Take a copy of the Campaign Create email template and save it as a new email template "CampaignCreateAnalytic" and update the parameters to the analytical control Email Params in the place of the Campaign parameters. 

${user.firstname} -> ${ANALYTICSDATA.get(0).IFIRSTNAME} 

${user.lastname}  -> ${ANALYTICSDATA.get(0).ILASTNAME}

${campaign?.endDate.format('dd-MMM-yyyy')}    -> ${ANALYTICSDATA.get(0).ICAMPDATEEND} 

${campaign?.id}   -> ${ANALYTICSDATA.get(0).ICAMPID} 


4) We are using Reviewer firstname, reviewer lastname, Campaign id for the deep link and Campaign Enddate parameters in the Email Template, So my sample query shows only them. If there are more parameters needed, please add them in the sample Analytics Query and add them in the corrected email template.


5) This Approach will send emails to all the missing certifiers for whom the mail hasn't been delivered.



Version history
Last update:
‎08/17/2023 06:35 AM
Updated by: