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SuccessFactor connector - Retrieve email address

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello All,

We need to import into Saviynt the user's email from SuccessFactor using the REST Connector. Some users have 2 email addresses and we need to only import the first one ( and with email type = 1).

The issue we are facing is that the email address imported is changing with every import. On one import, the first email address is imported and on the next import, the second email address is imported.


We tried to specify the email Type, to only import the email address with email type at 1 but we are imported an empty value.

API call pathempInfo/personNav/emailNav/emailAddress

Mapping: "email":"#CONST#${List responseList = response.empInfo.personNav.emailNav.results; int count = 0; int size = responseList.size(); Iterator iterator = responseList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){count++; Map dataMap =; if('1'.equals(dataMap.emailType)){return dataMap.emailAddress}else if(count == size){return null}}}~#~char",

Can anyone help ?

Thank you.



Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

Hi @ayane_ahmed , when you use emailType =1 , have you checked in postman that API only gives one email ID or null.

You can also get both email ID in CP using #~listAsString. This will bring both emails comma separated and use in line preprocessor to cut out the one you need in email.



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Amit Malik
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Hello @Amit_Malik,

After investigating, our mapping was working but we forgot to import the emailType.

Thank you,

Please share working configs

Rushikesh Vartak
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