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How to Create different tile for All All application with AD

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have an Active directory currently connected to Saviynt with a tile to request access. The Active Directory has all the Apps and their Entitlements. Is it possible to create different tiles or search for the apps within this AD from the search bar in the Request new Access page? if not possible. How do I inform my users that the app is in the Active Directory tile shown in the attached screen shot? Can I customize the Request New Access Page to inform end user where the App they need to request for is. i.e. the Tile for Active Directory or the Tile for eDirectory. Please let me know if you have any follow up questions. Thank you


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Use tags.

  • store “AD” in endpoint custom property 1 
  • then. From global configuration set cp1
  • Tag Search Field for Endpoints =CP1




note - Tags are only supported on modern UI


Rushikesh Vartak
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I was able to search from global configuration the :

Tag search fields for endpoints and set to Custom property 1

Tag search field and entitlements and set to customer property1

Tag search field for enterprise roles and set to customer property 1.

But when I went to  manage endpoints to create new endpoints. I am not sure where and how to add the AD. Can you show me with shot? Thank you

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thank you,

  • store “AD” in endpoint custom property 1 
  • then. From global configuration set cp1
  • Tag Search Field for Endpoints =CP1

Can you show me with screen shot how to store AD in endpoint custom property 1? and tag search field for Endpoints = cp1. From the screen shot, I believe its how to set the Custom property 1. Can you show me with screen shot how to set Customer Property 1 from global configuration? Thank you


Also, my verson of saviynt is V24.2 . is that the modern version that support tag UI?

V24.2 its not supported for NEO

steps for modern UI

  • open endpoint and save cp1 as AD and click on update
  • global config - select cp1 from dropdown

Rushikesh Vartak
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Sorry. I just want to confirm. do you mean this feature is not supported in V24.2? that is the version of Saviynt that I have. Please advise. Thanks

Yes tags are not supported in v24.2 NEO Request module

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III


See the attached and let me know if this setting is the right setting to set the AD endpoint to CP1. in the Customer property 1. What do I do here? Just save as CP1 and create? Please advise


In Custom Property1 set value =AD

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

hello @rushikeshvartak  can I give you a call? I was trying to configure the custom tag so that apps within the AD  can be easily searched and requested. After I selected the AD in the Endpoint setting and saves as Cp1 in the custom policy 1 box. I went ahead and saved and updated the endpoint settings. After some time . I see the cp1 tag in the access request portal under all tags. When I selected the cpi tag and apply. It asked me to request access to that and did not list all the apps in the AD. Please advise, I will appreciate a phone call for a screen share. Thank you

You need to save to all application those are applicable for tags

Rushikesh Vartak
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@wizzy - Rushikesh is not a Saviynt employee. They are a user, just like you. All conversations must be had on the forums. Sharing information on the forums helps everyone who can learn from the knowledge, and future users who may have a similar issue and search the forums. 

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thank you @Dave . @rushikeshvartak  since my version v24.2 does not support custom tagging. Do i need to upgrade or downgrade to be able to do this? What are other recommendations to do this?

This will be considered as future enhancement please upvote

Rushikesh Vartak
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