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Question about your usage of the IDEA portal and how you handle the decision time it takes.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello everyone,

I hope that message will find you well.

I am interested in how your experience with the IDEAS portal is and how you use it.

Every time when I find a point which is essential for an product in the area of IGA but not considered as a bug for SSM, then I am forced to open an IDEA.

That is, from my point of view, not the best way to handle it. I see the IDEAS portal as great way to give the users and customers a voice into the product management and so an option to participate actively in the evolution of the product to the needs of many users. But it is a worse experience if I have to address real weaknesses, found during support ticket resolution, are not handled directly internal and put trough the support organization on the table of the product development.

I believe, that the actual way of handling Ideas and customer feedback is slowing down the evolution of the product and creates a big frustration on customers like we are. Especially as the allowed IDEAS are restricted to an amount of 50 including votes for ideas of other reporters.

If I look at one concrete idea, I have put on the portal, it is in status new since 9 months without any sign if it is already under investigation to the next state. If I follow the link to the Life Cycle and User Guide than an fresh idea should be handled within 30 days. This 9 Months give us the feeling nobody has looked into that till now and we ask us if the IDEA portal is the way to go.

In my exchanges with other peoples in different companies I get a similar feedback, but that’s at the end only my point of view.

It would be great if you can and would share your experience with the IDEAS portal and how you feel your voice as a customer will be recognized there. Are there any other ways you use with more success to get your important changes done which are not considered to be a bug.

I appreciate any answer or new view on that topic.

Best Regards


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

We acknowledge your concerns about the backlog and assure you that we are actively working on refining our procedures to expedite the review of ideas.

However, it's important to note that the one-month timeframe is dedicated to the initial review phase and not the commencement of implementation. Various factors, including product alignment, our current roadmap, market fit, and resource allocation, contribute to prioritizing ideas.
We appreciate your patience as we navigate through our backlog and make improvements.

If you have any urgent issues or operational blockers that require immediate attention, we encourage you to reach out to our customer support or operations teams. They will ensure your case or idea is appropriately escalated.
Your partnership and feedback are crucial to our continuous improvement efforts. Should you have any further questions or need additional clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Vinod Pujari

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thank you @Vinod, for your detailed answer.

To be clear, I do not expect at all that all of the reported ideas become part of the product. My concern are on the information you provide for the ideas. 

If I take my sample, I would be really happy if I could see if this Idea was already part of your initial review phase or not. Actually, I have no chance to see any information of idea state on your side. It is just in status new as it was 9 months ago directly after creation.

Maybe it could be part of your process reconsideration to have a more informative way to interact with your community especially if they share ideas with you.
