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Hi Experts, Request a help on ImportAccountEntJSON, issue is the accounts are getting inactive after import I tried many ways like hard coding the status to 2 for account table still its inactive NOTE: target system is saviynt {"accountParams": {"con...
Hi Experts,Need help on a scenario,Suppose Client has 30 groups and if any one among that got imported and assigned to the user then can we flag that user (some cp) from AD connection itself while importing groups?is there any way to achieve it? can ...
Hi Experts,Need a help in generating email using Advance query Logic  usefirstname.lastname@domain.comif duplicate exists like above, create firstname.middlename.lastname and if middlename is not there or duplicate exists for this also then firstname...
 Hi Experts,I need help with updating the JSON for disabling accounts in Saviynt. Specifically, I want to set the endDate, description, and a random password in AD when the account is disabled.Desired JSON Configuration:{"moveUsertoOU": "OU=Saviynt_D...
Hi Experts,Need one small help, please let me know where I am doing the mistake. I am trying to create an email template...BelowHi ${user.firstname} ${user.lastname},A new user account has been created. Your manager is ${manager.firstname} ${manager....
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‎09/25/2024 07:12 AM