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Hi Guys,We've got a security system that is rest based and we got multiple endpoints hidden behind that, meaning it's split per country in api that is simply same base url followed by country code e.g. baseurl/123baseurl/124Is there any possibility t...
Hi Guys,I'm trying to expose list of all completed/pending tasks in system withing custom savrole and struggling to see anything else than tasks that were assigned for end user. I've tried to set request history to view all requests and adding defaul...
Hi Guys, I'm trying to manage to trigger e-mail regeneration upon change of sub-brand for users but one of requirements is to trigger that 4 days after actual change of brand. Is there a possibility to delay trigger of Generate User Email Action? 
Hi Folks, I'm trying to get bulk list of generated passwords from Saviynt to validate password gen rules but can't manage to get it through. So far I've tried to triggerchange via API but it forces you to set password via API Call directlyusing ${ran...
Hi Guys, I've configured sav4sav connection, fetched all users and entitlements and created workflow to allow me request for SAV Roles which is working completely fine however when I'm trying to enforce asking for Start Date End Date while Requests f...
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‎06/20/2024 04:51 AM