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Hello,I ran AD access import job to import entitlement.I got the error : Failed to import one or more object types. On the Job Log Details page, I saw the message : "isImportSuccess: false", but cannot got the clear information.It seems that the enti...
Hi,I can upload a file to a dataset value, but I need to update this file daily.How can schedule a job daily to upload a csv file  in a datasets ?Thank very much, 
We have activé the SSO for our DEV environment.We have checked SAML response and the status is success.But we get the error : When we click the above link, we get the logout page as below:In AuthenticationConfig.groovy file, grails.plugin.springsecur...
We configured single sign-on in the setting menu. After configuration, we enabled SSO. All services should be restarted automatically and we connected Saviynt in 25 minutes with SSO login, it doesn't work at all. But we can connect EIC with saviynt n...
Hi,I need to remove or hide some fields in user detail interface which I don't need.Is-it possible to do that in Saviynt v 23.X ? If so, could you please provide us the documents or instructions?Thanks in advance,Xiaofan JIN 
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‎02/20/2024 11:04 PM