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Workday SOAP - Parsing User Manager data and Custom fields

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We are trying to import users from workday through Workday connector using the Get_Workers_Request SOAP API.

During the user import using the USER_IMPORT_MAPPING JSON, when tried retrieving user's manager data, the SOAP response XML has multiple 'Management_Chain_Data' elements under 'Worker_Supervisory_Management_Chain_Data' element and when used below mapping, it gets the first element in the list. But we need to get the last child element in the list as it contains user's immediate manager information. Please suggest a way for this.


During the same user import, some custom workday fields data also need to be retrieved like for the ones below. When tried with the mapping - "Worker_Data.Integration_Field_Override_Data(Field_Reference->ID=='User Type').value", it is not able to get the data and showing null in the logs.

<wd:ID wd:type="WID">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</wd:ID>
<wd:ID wd:type="Integration_Document_Field_Name" wd:parent_type="Integration_Document_Name" wd:parent_id="xxx_Field_Override_Service">User Type</wd:ID>

Please suggest a mapping that works for this scenario as well.

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