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Workday RAAS - Getting attributes only from the primary job

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


I have configured a Workday connector (Connection Type:  Workday_Hybrid_Basic)in EIC (Version 23.12).

For the workers full import, I am using a Raas report provided by Workday.

In some cases, the worker has 2 active positions in the company. In consequence, in the Raas report, I have two <Job_Data> sections. The Primary position is indicated by the attribute <wd:Pernr_priority> having the value 1.

In the USER_IMPORT_MAPPING section of the connector, I want to map some identity's attributes only on the primary position. 

I used the following syntaxes in my mapping but unfortunately it is not working : 

"TITLE": "wd:Job_Data[wd:Pernr_priority=1].wd:Position_Title~#~string", 

"TITLE": "wd:Job_Data(@Pernr_priority='1').wd:Position_Title~#~string"

-> Can you indicate me the good syntaxplease ? 

Thank you in advance for your help ! 



New Contributor
New Contributor

Can you try using == in the syntax here,  instead of @Pernr_priority='1' try @Pernr_priority=='1'

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Dear Everyone,

for this issue is there a way to execute java like in the REST connector or is not valid in workday? I've tried to execute some java code but it's not being interpreted at all.
"#CONST#${String attr1 = wd:Position_Title;return attr1+' -  PROCESSED';}~#~char",

Kind regards,


New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I've tested this syntax: "TITLE":"wd:Job_Data(@Pernr_priority=='1').wd:Position_Title~#~string", 

Unfortunately, not working.

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


Any updates for my issue please ? 

Thanks !

Hi @Houssem93 

Thanks for contacting Saviynt Forums.
We are reviewing your requirements and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Meanwhile could you please check and provide below information.

1.  What do you get in TITLE if you only put below for the cases where there is multiple Job_Data ?

 "TITLE": "wd:Position_Title~#~string"

2. What is the format of response in SOAP UI/postman for the Job_Data (for the case where there are multiple Job_Data) and it's attributes. Could you please share response screenshot.

Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello @Dhruv_S ,

Please find attached the requested information.

Thank you

Hi @Houssem93 

For workday connector, data comes by default as per the standard configuration in other attributes->user attributes. 

Please refer to the below documentation and let us know if the use case is similar. 

Importing Multi-Affiliation Data (


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello @Dhruv_S ,

For the USER_IMPORT_MAPPING section of the connector, I found the syntax for the SOAP in the documentation (see attached image).

What is the corresponding syntax for the RAAS mapping please ?

Thank you

Hi @Houssem93 

Could you please check and confirm if the multi affiliation data is coming by default in other attributes->user attributes without doing any changes in the JSON.

Sample provided in the documentation



Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello @Dhruv_S , 

Yes, the multi affiliation data is coming by default in other attributes.

But, for some main attributes I want to get the values only from the primary job.

As I mentioned in my previous post, is it feasible via the RAAS import ? (The syntax is provided for the SOAP only in documentation) 

Thank you.


Hi @Houssem93 

We are checking this internally with Engineering team. We will keep you posted.


Dhruv Sharma

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Houssem93 

Please use the below. This will get the job title for the primary job (first job).

“TITLE”: “Worker_Data.Employment_Data.Worker_Job_Data(@Primary_Job==‘1’).Position_Data.Business_Title”


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hello @Dhruv_S ,

It is not working unfortunately. The syntax looks like a SOAP mapping syntax.

