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Workday Entitlement Count Mismatch between Environments

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I have both my Dev and Test environments pointed at the same Workday environment. The configuration JSON values are identical and both environments are using the same USERNAME to connect. The issue is that the Dev environment is correctly returning 89k total entitlements while the test environment has returned 298k. Despite the test environment count being so much higher, it's missing specific entitlements we have identified in our test scripts. Has anyone come across this issue in their lower environments?


Configuration Info:

Connection Type: Workday

API Version: v41.2

Tenant Name: Identical

Report Owner: Identical

Username: Identical

PageSize: 500 (Identical)


Test: Security Group,Domain Security Policy,Business Process Security Policy,Tasks And Reports,Organizational Role

Dev: Security Group,Domain Security Policy,Business Process Security Policy,Tasks And Reports,Organizational Role

RAAS_MAPPING_JSON – Identical (shown below with actual tenantname and username removed) 

"reportUrlMapping": [
"accessType": "User",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_Users?format=xml"
"accessType": "Account",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_Accounts?format=xml"
"accessType": "Security Group",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_SecurityGroups?format=xml",
"mappingUrl": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_AccountsToSecurityGroups?format=xml",
"inc_url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_SecurityGroupsAccounts?format=xml",
"enable_chunked_retrieval": 0,
"locationHierarchyUrl": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_LocationHierarchies",
"locationHierarchies": [],
"countryReportUrl": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/systemreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/Country_Summary",
"countryCodes": []
"accessType": "Domain Security Policy",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_DomainSecurityPermissions?format=xml",
"inc_url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_Domains?format=xml&Include_Changes_to_Security_Groups=0"
"accessType": "Business Process Security Policy",
"url": "",
"accessType": "Organizational Role",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_OrgRolesAccounts?format=xml"
"accessType": "Tasks And Reports",
"url": "${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_ReportsTasksGetPut?Inactive=0,${BASE_URL}/ccx/service/customreport2/${TENANT_NAME}/${REPORT_OWNER}/SAV_ReportsTasksViewModify?Inactive=0"
"accessType": "Organization"



Does all entitlements are active ?

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Yes, all the entitlements are active and again, both Test and Dev Saviynt environments are pointing to the same UAT Workday environment. The Workday connector configurations are also identical and are using the same service account to connect. 

You need to check with WD team on actual count. also check if JOB ID gets updated to all existing entitlements or some of them?

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.