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Unique Campaign name - User manager certification

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Team - How can we make the campaign name unique while setting up user manager certification from rule? It seems Saviynt does not launch the campaign for one user, if two rules are created with same campaign name

For example: I have rule with below conditions:

1) If users.title is changed, and the different between current date and transfer date is less than 10 days, then launch certification

the certification name is  - "Manager Review - Title Change". 

2) If users.title is changed, and the difference between current date and transfer date is greater than 10 days, then launch certification

the certification name is again set to - "Manager Review - Title Change". 

When the title changes for 2 users at the same time satisfying the above 2 rule conditions, and then I run the certification launch job, Saviynt is trying to set the same name for both campaigns and fails. Due to this, the campaign is not launched for one of the user . 

Below is the error seen in logs. Please can someone advise how I can make sure the campaign names are unique even when triggered from multiple rules. The requirement here is to have the same user manager campaign name in different rules 

2023-06-15/09:14:11.697 [{}] [quartzScheduler_Worker-3] DEBUG println.PrintlnToLogger - Println :: | Error grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation Error(s) occurred during save():
- Field error in object 'com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign' on field 'campaignName': rejected value [Manager Review - Title Change-06/15/2023 09:14:11]; codes [,com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign.campaignName.unique.error.campaignName,,com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign.campaignName.unique.error,,campaign.campaignName.unique.error.campaignName,,campaign.campaignName.unique.error,,com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign.campaignName.unique.campaignName,,com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign.campaignName.unique,,campaign.campaignName.unique.campaignName,,campaign.campaignName.unique,,unique.campaignName,,unique]; arguments [campaignName,class com.saviynt.ecm.campaign.domain.Campaign,Manager Review - Title Change-06/15/2023 09:14:11]; default message [Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] must be unique]


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

In Rule while selecting the Campaign, please add the different campaign names.




Rakesh M Goudar

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

@RakeshMG thanks for your reply. My issue is not with adding different campaign names, but have same campaign name for two different rules. Below is what I have. under two different rules I have created

Rule 1: User manager campaign name - "Manager Review - Title Change"

Rule 2: User manager campaign name - "Manager Review - Title Change"

So, when I have the same name for 2 different campaigns from 2 different rules, Saviynt is not launching the campaign for all the users that are part of the rule condition. I hope this is clear 

Also, can I assign a campaign name dynamically. is the field exposed to use binding variables?

What is the use case for having two different rule and same campaign name for both the rules?

Can you achieve the use case by just one single rule?


Devang Gandhi
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

@dgandhi , The actual requirement to launch manager UAR is if either user's costcenter or title changes. The requirement is to display the campaign name as 'CostCenter Change' if CC changes or 'Title change' if title changes for the user. And we have multiple rules configured based on the date constraint on when the exact transfer has happened for the user and expire the campaigns based on the user's transfer date. Hence, we need to have multiple rules and campaigns in each of them. We are looking to hence have a generic name for the campaigns so that the certifier is not confused with different names.