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SoD Functions - Objects Upload

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We are trying to configure the SoD for SAP S4 system.

We received the rules for configuring the SoD from SAP GRC, however, there are over 100 functions, and over 200 actions per each function ( we have risk - function - actions per function rules).


From the Saviynt documentation we know that functions can be uploaded via csv, but we see no way to upload the objects as well. Is there any way to mass upload objects, instead of manually adding them?


Also, can someone please help me understand better, the Tcode from the Entitlement field in the Add Object window, is the action from SAP GRC Ruleset? And where can I find the Auth Object and the Field? What should they look like?

And how to establish the min. value?



Thank you,




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Miha 

Yes, we have some default ruleset files available for SAP S4. Please reach out to the CSM and they can provide the files.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Entitlement, auth object, field values are objects from SAP which are imported into Saviynt. Based on your rulesets, you have to select the appropriate values for the function.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thanks you for the answer.

I also found a sample file in the Saviynt documentation here: 

I downloaded the file sample (attached it to this reply) and I tried to modify it and upload it, however, the objects I am specifying are not getting uploaded in Saviynt.

My questions are:

  1. I need to upload the xls file, with ALL the sheets, and modify them accordingly to my GRC data, or I can upload the xls file with only some sheets from the sample file? (e.g., just Functions and Objects sheets)
  2. When you mentioned to contact our CSM for the default ruleset, you mean there is a different ruleset file for S4 than what I found in the documentation?

Thank you.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Miha Sample file in documentation is just the format. CSM can provide you the out of the box ruleset for S4 which would have all the generic and common SAP data. You can see if that naming convention of objects matches with your GRC and you can upload that or make changes according to your requirement.