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Snowflake Connector parameters

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

I need to do integrate the Snowflake with Saviynt and have never worked on DB connector.
What are the exact values that should be provided in the "username" and "password" parameters of a DB Connector using for the Snowflake connection.
Instead of DB Connector fresh desk link is there any forum link for the Snowflake integration.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_Savvy,

We are checking on this and we will keep you posted.

@Saviynt_Savvy @DixshantValecha 

I am in the same boat in that I need to setup a JDBC connection - but I found the integration guide lacking.  Specifically, the piece about the JDBC driver.  After I upload a JAR file to WIN (I'm assuming I need to though the documentation didn't talk about it) - what URL do I reference in the parameter to have it use that driver?  

@KevinP : JDBC Driver name for snowflake DB is: com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver. Also you need to upload the respective JDBC jar to Saviynt(File Directory -> External JARs) and restart the application. Also for url you have to use the format as : jdbc:snowflake://<>

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@Saathvik Thanks!  I wasn't sure if I had to reference some Saviynt URL since I uploaded the driver there or not.  Also I was an idiot and accidentally forgot about the jdbc:snowflake:// piece for the URL.  At least now I'm getting an access denied error from Snowflake (due to IP restrictions, which is being fixed) as opposed to a failure to connect!



@Saviynt_Savvy : For username/password you may need work with snowflake admin to have one created which has read/write permissions to below schemas(you may or may not have all below listed schemas available). But in short you should be able to read all users and their memberships and all able to do provision and deprovision 

  • user
  • role
  • grants_to_users
  • grants_to_roles

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URL jdbc:snowflake:// hostname
USERNAMEadminCheck with snowflake Admin
PASSWORD*****Check with snowflake Admin
DRIVERNAME com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver 

Driver download link


Rushikesh Vartak
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@Saviynt_Savvy try this details :

URL  :  jdbc:snowflake://<snowflake domain>

DRIVERNAME  : com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver

Make sure to restart the server or reach out to saviynt ops to do full stack restart once the jar is loaded.

Manish Kumar
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