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SAP roles modification update from saviynt

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We have a requirement, We import the roles present in SAP target, it's similar to application role which contains the comprises of multiple saprole entitlements 

Example :

TEST - role from SAP Target, it contains saprole1, saprole2 entitlements

We have a requirement. we import the role  to saviynt and after importing the role if we modify anything on the SAP  role in saviynt, the same update should get updated and get reflected on the SAP target and it should create a task in saviynt for the update role part and get it should get provisioned

Example : In saviynt if we add any new entitlements (saproles) to SAP  role or if modify the SAP roles custom property value etc, we expect it should create a update task and the task should get provisioned and gets update on the SAP target as well.

Please suggest a way to achieve this use case and please let us know which connect will be feasible to achieve this use case 



Currently pushing role-eentitlement mapping changing into target is not supported. Please raise an idea ticket.

Also, a workaround can be using custom extensions 

Rushikesh Vartak
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