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remove entitlements which are not assigned as a birthright rule

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

how we can remove birthright entitlements and keep others that the user ordered by himself? automatically via rule?



Check : Solved: Why the assignedFromRule column is empty for a tas... - Saviynt Forums - 26693

Access assignment reports for the application acco... - Saviynt Forums - 28797

This would help ypu to query the details.

Manish Kumar
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

thank you very much! But I also meant via mover campaign and certification, so how we can do so that old entitlements are removed and 30 days later also Birthrights and then new Birthrights are assigned + new entitlements for the new role via certification campaign? I mean from the logic, can we do it just with the User update Rules?

You can mention date condition in user update rule based on startdate + 30 days

Rushikesh Vartak
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thank you!

And another question then, can we do so that we start a certification campaign for a mover and then he decides not to move the department, can we cancel then this campaign?

And also can we receive the Mover report from his roles/entitlments ownerships ?

And also can we do so, that after 3 weeks the roles and entitlments  will be automatically removed but if there is a certification campaign it will stay like this how the manager decide?

  • You can’t cancel campaign 
  • Mover report ?? - elaborate 
  • Campaign table not exposed in rules

Rushikesh Vartak
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do you know @rushikeshvartak  if it is possible to make a rule/analitics to check if the manger already has an open certification do not send it to him once again?

but do we really write do smth like deprovision access based on users.startdate (01.07.2024) +14 days? because the start day is not always fixed. Can Saviynt calculate this?


Rushikesh Vartak
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