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Query not working in Consult/Reassign query of Advanced configuration of entitlement owner campaign

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I am trying to use below query in Consult/Reassign query of Entitlement owner campaign configuration but it is not working?

select u from users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from users where id=:loggedInUser) or in ((select distinct manager from users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and u.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))

I just want to show the direct manager in pop-up when certifier tries to consult, but if any admin tries to consult they should see all managers from users table (usr.rolekey=1). 
Is the usage of "com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles" table in correct format?

Thanks in advance



users table is not mapped 


2024-06-18T13:36:33-04:00-ecm-services.SaviyntCommonUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-39-s4wm2-ERROR-users is not mapped [select u from users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from users where id=:loggedInUser) or in ((select distinct manager from users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and u.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))]; nested exception is org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: users is not mapped [select u from users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from users where id=:loggedInUser) or in ((select distinct manager from users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and u.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))]


Rushikesh Vartak
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user_savroles is not exposed.

select u from Users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from Users where id=:loggedInUser) or ( in (select distinct manager from Users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and usr.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))




2024-06-18T13:40:55-04:00-ecm-services.SaviyntCommonUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-39-s4wm2-ERROR-com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles is not mapped [select u from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users where id=:loggedInUser) or ( in (select distinct manager from Users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and usr.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))]; nested exception is org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles is not mapped [select u from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.Users where id=:loggedInUser) or ( in (select distinct manager from Users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.user_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and usr.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))]

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

What is the possible solution?

Use some user's customproperty to identify admin

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Can we make any configuration to expose user_savroles table and utilize it in the query?

select u from Users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from Users where id=:loggedInUser) or ( in (select distinct manager from Users) and (select count(*) from com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.User_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and usr.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @varunakarnia ,

Below are the exposed tables in backend. Use the same format.

  • com.saviynt.ecm.identitywarehouse.domain.User_savroles
  • User_savroles

Your query:

select u from Users u where 1=1 and ( in (select manager from Users where id=:loggedInUser) or ( in (select distinct manager from Users) and (select count(*) from User_savroles usr where usr.rolekey=1 and usr.userkey=:loggedInUser)=1))


If this answers your question, please consider selecting Accept As Solution and hit Kudos

Thank you very much, it worked.

Looks like it is strictly case sensitive. Appreciate your help