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Provisioning SKU as birthright where on premise ad is primary

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi Everyone,

We have the following use case:

We provision new Accounts in OnPremise Active Directory as part of Birthright.  We have also added Azure AD with SKU entitlements in order to assign licenses for enabling mailbox for user in Office 365.

The challenge we now have, is that the new Account created in On prem AD now first need to sync with Azure AD sync and only once it is reconciliated to User in Saviynt, it will be available to assign SKU license to.

How will we accomplish assigning the SKU license as birthright for new users if we have this +- 15 - 20 minutes sync time etc that first needs to complete before the Account is assigned to a user so the SKU can be assigned as entitlement to the user?

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @fouriefb 

Once the AD account is synced into Saviynt, you can create an actionable analytics report to provision SKU license. Please refer below documentation to implement this:
