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If-Else and Ternary operator Condition for URL in JSON

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Regular Contributor

Hi All,

1. AD Group creation has to be done from ARS - Group provisioning and import is happening (Ex: Connection Name: AD_1)(Connector type: AD)

2. Once the import happens, we are showing the AD Groups as an Entitlements in ARS where user will request those entitlements and it has to create ticket for this. (Ex: Connection Name: AD_ticket) (Connector type: REST)

So, In Security System we are adding below options.

Connection - AD_1

Provisioning Connection - AD_1

ServiceDesk Connection - AD-ticket


Now, when I'm creating the AD Groups it is provisioning groups to AD and at the same time it's generating the ticket for ServiceNow because we have added both connections (AD_1 and AD_ticket) in SS.


I've tried, keeping a condition in URL for CreateticketJSON (in AD_ticket connection) as below but didn't work

-"url": "${if(task.tasktype==24){''}else{'https://<URL>/api/sjcrh/v1/infosec_access/ManualAccess'}}",

- "url": "${if(task.tasktype==24){''}else{\"https://<URL>/api/sjcrh/v1/infosec_access/ManualAccess\"}}",

-"url": "#CONST#${if(task.tasktype==24){''}else{\"https://<URL>/api/sjcrh/v1/infosec_access/ManualAccess\"}}",

-"url": "#CONST%23${if(task.tasktype==24){''}else{\"https://<URL>/api/sjcrh/v1/infosec_access/ManualAccess\"}}",


FYI, task.tasktype=24 is for create entitlement request.


Any suggestion where we can stop triggering ticket for when AD Group creation happens.






In connection don’t send connection name

${(task.tasktype == 24) ? '': 'userAuth'}

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi @rushikeshvartak 

tried the above syntax in json but giving me the below ERROR:

responseText:{"error":{"message":"User Not Authenticated","detail":"Required to provide Auth information"},"status":"failure"}, cookies:[BIGipServerpool_stjudedev=ab47f76c024dfdfaf710a29bcc4ca238; httponly; secure; path=/; SameSite=None, JSESSIONID=53470E434C5E0AE294B4697026330761; Path=/; HttpOnly; secure; SameSite=None], statusCode:401]
2023-07-31/09:24:20.469 [{}] [quartzScheduler_Worker-5] DEBUG rest.RestUtilService - pullObjectsByRest - responseStatusCode ::401
2023-07-31/09:24:20.469 [{}] [quartzScheduler_Worker-5] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - Entered getResponseHeaders method
2023-07-31/09:24:20.469 [{}] [quartzScheduler_Worker-5] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - responseError : null
2023-07-31/09:24:20.469 [{}] [quartzScheduler_Worker-5] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService - isAuthError: false


FYI, Attaching the tested Json, let me know if needed any changes.



Hi @ShyamSrisailam you can also add the same condition in the "name" parameter of the create ticket json. Please find the below sample.

"name": "${(task?.tasktype==24)?'No_Action_Required_call_for_ad_group_creation':'call1'}" 


    "call": [

            "name": "${(task?.tasktype==24)?'No_Action_Required_call_for_ad_group_creation':'call1'}",

            "connection": "${(task.tasktype == 24) ? '': 'userAuth'}",

            "url": "<URL>",

            "httpMethod": "POST",

            "httpParams": "{\"instructions\":\"Request to ${if(task.tasktype==2 && (allEntitlementsValues==null || allEntitlementsValues.isEmpty() || allEntitlementsValues=='')){'Delete Account and associated Network folders and file'}else if(task.tasktype==3){'Add New Account in'}else if(task.tasktype==2){'Update Access in'}else if(task.tasktype==1){'Update Access in'}else if(task.tasktype==6){'Enable Account in'}else if(task.tasktype==14){'Disable Account in'}else if(task.tasktype==12){'Update Account in'}else{task.tasktype}} ${endpoint?.displayName}\",\"details\":\"${if((task.tasktype==2 && (allEntitlementsValues==null || allEntitlementsValues.isEmpty() || allEntitlementsValues=='')) || (task.tasktype==3) || (task.tasktype==2) || (task.tasktype==1) || (task.tasktype==6) || (task.tasktype==14)){'Below are the details to \\\\n \\\\nName          :          '+user.firstname+' '+(user.middlename!=null?user.middlename:'')+' '+user.lastname+'\\\\nUsername          :          '+user.username+'\\\\nEmployeeID          :          '+user.employeeid+' \\\\nUser Email          :          '+(!=null?!=null?user.secondaryEmail:'No email address available in Saviynt')+'\\\\nDepartment Name          :          '+user.departmentname+' \\\\nDepartment Number          :          '+user.departmentNumber+'\\\\nTitle          :          '+user.title+'\\\\nManager          :          '+user.owner+'\\\\nEnd Date          :          '+user.enddate+'\\\\nStatus          :          '+(user.statuskey==1?'Active Account':'Suspend or Deactivate Account')+' \\\\nRequestKey          :          '+task.requestKey+'\\\\nRequestID          :          '+(task.requestKey!=null?task.requestKey?.processinstanceid?.substring(task.requestKey?.processinstanceid?.indexOf('.') + 1, task.requestKey?.processinstanceid?.length())'\\\\nBusiness Justification          :          '+(task.requestKey==null?'':task.requestKey?.comments?.replaceAll('<.*?>','').replaceAll('\\n','').replaceAll('\\r','').replaceAll('[^ -~À-ÿ]+','').replaceAll(new String('XFw='.decodeBase64()),new String('XFxcXA=='.decodeBase64())))+'\\\\nEntitlements          :          '+(allEntitlementsValues.replaceAll('\\n',' ').replaceAll(':: Group :',' :'))+''}else if(task.tasktype==12){'Update Account in '+endpoint?.displayName+'\\\\n \\\\nFirstName          :          '+user.firstname+'\\\\nMiddleName          :          '+(user.middlename!=null?user.middlename:'')+'\\\\nLastName          :          '+user.lastname+'\\\\nUsername          :          '+user.username+'\\\\nEmployeeID          :          '+user.employeeid+' \\\\nUser Email          :          '+(!=null?!=null?user.secondaryEmail:'No email address available in Saviynt')+'\\\\nDepartment Name          :          '+user.departmentname+' \\\\nDepartment Number          :          '+user.departmentNumber+'\\\\nTitle          :          '+user.title+'\\\\nManager          :          '+user.owner+''}else{task.tasktype}}\", \"user\":\"${user.username}\" , \"group\":\"0142041b4ff152004ce80ad14210c7f2\"}",

            "httpHeaders": {

                "Authorization": "${access_token}"


            "httpContentType": "application/json",

            "ticketidPath": "result.request_number",


                "message": ""





Let me know if this helps!



Naveen Sakleshpur
If this reply answered your question, please click the Accept As Solution button to help future users who may have a similar problem.

Hi @naveenss ,

Tried the syntax it is not creating the ticketNo for AD Group creation that is good, but it should create a ticket if user request for (AD_ticket) where user requests for AD_group entitlements through ARS but it's getting ERRORED out.

json is --- {"taskid":null,"provisioningComments":"Error in getting Ticket Number. Response: {\"error\":{\"message\":\"User Not Authenticated\",\"detail\":\"Required to provide Auth information\"},\"status\":\"failure\"}"}

pullObjectsByRest - responseStatusCode ::401

