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How to de-provision Box Accounts through Saviynt using their official APIs?

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have the following requirements from the client :


1. Deletion of Box Accounts: Delete Box accounts of specific users within an Enterprise Box subscription.

2. Data Transfer and Ownership Change: Prior to deletion, migrate all user data to a designated Co-Admin's archive folder. This involves transferring ownership of files and folders to the Co-Admin.

3. Dynamic Ownership Assignment: Assign the new owner (Co-Admin) of the files based on the department to which the user belongs.



1. A REST connector for the Box application has been established in the development environment.

2. Successful API requests to the Box application have been made using Postman, enabling the execution of data migration and ownership transfer functions.


Community Queries:

a) Should we continue using the REST connector for Box, or switch to the out-of-box connector?

b) How should we trigger these API requests to Box from Saviynt? Specifically, which task in Saviynt should be activated to initiate the data migration and ownership transfer of Box accounts before executing the 'Disable Account' task?

c) How can we modify the API requests to dynamically specify the Co-Admin's ID based on a specific user attribute?


  • You can use REST connector for custom changes if thats needed 
  • use actionable analytics report
  • You can write conditional logic in JSON

Rushikesh Vartak
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