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Hide Dynamic Attributes based on Savrole

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I have requirement of hide or unable to update specific dynamic attribute in form based on sav role of user who is logged in.

for example: user is logged in as supervisor SAV ROLE so he can update "Term date" of his reportees but he cannot update his own "Term date" in form .

is there any solution above requirement in Form

Thank you.



Create a dynamic attribute to populate the SAV role value based on the requestee details. There is a binding variable exposed in the access request form. Use ${requestee} to get the beneficiary user id. Based on this you can get the user's SAV role. 

Once this is setup, you can setup Action string to SHOW/HIDE the dynamic attributes based on the value populated in the SAV role. Please let me know if this helps.

Naveen Sakleshpur
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thanks for your response Naveen

we have a requirement to hide certain attributes on the basis on sav role during update but not while creation. And that too for users who is reporting to the manager.

Example : Ram is manager and he has 5 users who reports to him, so when Ram login he should update "Term date" attribute of all 5 users but Ram cannot update his own "Term Date" attribute .

This is our requirement 

Create different attribute names for both use case and use show hide

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thanks for responding Rushikesh!
I createc one attribute "Uerkeycompare" (ignore spelling) to compare userkey of requestor and requestee if it is same it shows "A" else "B"


Value and Default value : select 'A' as ID where ${requestor}=${requestee} Union select 'B' as ID where ${requestor}!=${requestee}

also I put Action String for SHOW and HIDE, it works fine

Only issue is it by default do not "Uerkeycompare" attribute is not populated by "A' or "B"
I need to select it manually. then the field are hide and show as expected.

But I need it by default "A" should populate in field and SHOW HIDE should be performed on Form load. so my requirement can be achieved.

any solution to this is highly  appreciated 


Use the same query in the "default value" of the dynamic attribute. The value will be auto populated. 

Naveen Sakleshpur
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hey Naveen
Thanks for your response!

I am using same query in both "value" field and in "default value Field" then too it is not populating as default



Can you share the SQL query you are using?

Naveen Sakleshpur
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

select 'A' as ID where ${requestor}=${requestee} Union select 'B' as ID where ${requestor}!=${requestee}

Can you confirm if you have mapped the dynamic attribute to a user attribute? Coz, as per the Saviynt OOTB functionality:

  1. During the modify request the dynamic attribute will be auto populated based on the value populated in the user's custom property. 
  2. The dynamic attribute will be auto-populated during the creation process from the SQL query used. 
Naveen Sakleshpur
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

No, I have not mapped it. because there is no use of that A or B value. My agenda is to hide certain field based on "Uerkeycompare" value. 

Uerkeycompare value is calculated at update form load time. if requestee is equal to requestor than value will be A and based on that certain field will be hidden. 

Even I tried to map that attribute to customproperty then too it is not auto populating 

this issue is solved, I managed to auto-populated value and based on that I hide some attribute. it worked fine.
Now the issue is when hit update button on form it updates some attribute automatically . even I don't touch that attribute on form while updating.


here I only updated comment field then too supervisor field automatically updated.

any solution to this?