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endpoints and entitlements not displaying in Access Request Approved email

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Our requirement is to display endpoints name and corresponding entitlements who's Access Request is  Approved.

I am using following email template code

<table style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd;">
<th style="background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">Application</th>
<th style="background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">Group Access Detail</th>
def endpointsWithoutParentheses = "${endpoints}".replaceAll("\\(|\\)", "")
def rows = entitlement_values.collect {
it.toString().indexOf("CN=") == -1 ? it : it.toString().substring(it.toString().indexOf("CN=") + 3, it.toString().indexOf(",", it.toString().indexOf("CN=")))
}.toListString().replaceAll('\\[|\\]','').split(', ')
rows.each { row ->
<tr style="border: 1px solid #ddd;">
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${endpointsWithoutParentheses}</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${row}</td>
<% } %>

For one Endpoint access request it is working as expected, but when I request 2 endpoint and its entitlements it is not displaying endpoint in corresponding to its entitlement.


[email received snapshot]

I am getting entitlements names in  "Group Access Detail" column  correctly, but in "Application" column I am getting endpoint names in comma separated form for all entitlements.

I want to be endpoint and its corresponding entitlement in row
for eg:  ap1 -> ap1's entitlement 1, ap1 -> ap1's entitlement 2, ap2 -> ap2's entitlement 1, ap2 -> ap2's entitlement 2


entitlements = [xxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxx]
request = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.ARS_Requests : 2897
jbpm_activity_name = Grant_Access
exceptionCount = 0
allApproversComments = null
fullhtmlassignedrows =
requestkey = 706588
roles = null
rejectedByMap = [:]
fullrowhtmltablerows =
out =
listofallrolesinrequest = []
assigneemanager = admin
endpoint = AP1
requesttype = New Account
dynamicAttrsList = []
entitlementshtmltablerowsv2 = AP2 App_M AP2 Prod SaaS [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing AP2 App_M AP2 Test SaaS [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing AP1 App_M AP1 Prod Administrators [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System AP1 App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance
approvallink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/Approval_DataOwner.706588
allrolesinrequest =
requestlink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/Approval_DataOwner.706588?reqid=2897
email =
endpoints = (AP1, AP2)
entitlementshtmltablerows = AP2 App_M AP2 Prod SaaS XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing AP2 App_M AP2 Test SaaS XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing AP1 App_M AP1 Prod Administrators Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System AP1 App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance
allRejectorsComments = null
rolesshtmltablerows =
manager = TA
approvedByMap = [:]
rolesApprovedOrRejected = []
rolename =
request_access = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3760
entitlement_values = [CN=App_M AP2 Prod SaaS,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP2 Test SaaS,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP1 Prod Administrators,OU=App_AP1,OU=Application Groups,OU=RGHL,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin,OU=App_AP1,OU=Application Groups,OU=RGHL,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com]
allApprovers = []
requestor = req_usernamexx
users = 81
allRejectors = []
task = com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks : 29042
requestid = 706588
rolemap = [:]
baseUrlForEmail =
assignee = admin
activityname = Grant_Access
accounts = [[name:81, obj:null]]
user = 81
curExecutionId = Approval_DataOwner.706588
accessItems = [com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3758, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3759, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3760, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3761, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3762]


any solution suggestion is highly appreciated 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Try using one of the below binding variable for your requirement. 

Doc Reference - 


Generates HTML Table rows as follows:
<tr><th>EndpointName</th> Entitlement_Value </th><th> Entitlement_Description </th> <th> Entitlement_Glossary </th> </tr>

This does not print <table> start tag and end tag. So, this can be defined in the email template as shown below:
update ecmemailtemplate set templatecontent =
templatecontent = '<div> <br/><table><tr><th>Endpoint</th><th> Entitlement </th> <th> Description </th> <th> Glossary </th> </tr> ${entitlementshtmltablerows} </table> </div>


Prints all the requested entitlements, their business justification, start date, and end date, by defining the tags in email template.


Generates HTML table to print Application Name, Entitlements, Entitlement Glossary, and Entitlement Description with the start date and end date, and Business Justification as specified by the requestor.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I used ${entitlementshtmltablerows} earlier, but it has 2 problem

1st is <th> Description </th> <th> Glossary </th> I don't want this two columns

2nd is I am using string function to trim displayname from entitlement value "CN=App_Q AP2 Prod AQwa,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com "
So that too is not working with this ${entitlementshtmltablerows} attribute

any solution to only get Endpoint and  Entitlement columns only . 

use iterator 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Thank you for your response Rushi.

if possible can you help me with small code how to iterate it.
I have mentioned my email template code above for your reference  

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

By using  ${entitlementshtmltablerows} , I m getting 4 comums . I tried every possible way to remove Description and  Glossary column. but not removing it.


any solution to this problem?


I am also trying same will keep you posted 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Any update on this thread?

Hi Rushikesh

any update on this?
