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05/16/2023 08:40 AM
Our requirement is to display endpoints name and corresponding entitlements who's Access Request is Approved.
I am using following email template code
<table style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ddd;">
<th style="background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">Application</th>
<th style="background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">Group Access Detail</th>
def endpointsWithoutParentheses = "${endpoints}".replaceAll("\\(|\\)", "")
def rows = entitlement_values.collect {
it.toString().indexOf("CN=") == -1 ? it : it.toString().substring(it.toString().indexOf("CN=") + 3, it.toString().indexOf(",", it.toString().indexOf("CN=")))
}.toListString().replaceAll('\\[|\\]','').split(', ')
rows.each { row ->
<tr style="border: 1px solid #ddd;">
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${endpointsWithoutParentheses}</td>
<td style="border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${row}</td>
<% } %>
For one Endpoint access request it is working as expected, but when I request 2 endpoint and its entitlements it is not displaying endpoint in corresponding to its entitlement.
[email received snapshot]
I am getting entitlements names in "Group Access Detail" column correctly, but in "Application" column I am getting endpoint names in comma separated form for all entitlements.
I want to be endpoint and its corresponding entitlement in row
for eg: ap1 -> ap1's entitlement 1, ap1 -> ap1's entitlement 2, ap2 -> ap2's entitlement 1, ap2 -> ap2's entitlement 2
entitlements = [xxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxx]
request = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.ARS_Requests : 2897
jbpm_activity_name = Grant_Access
exceptionCount = 0
allApproversComments = null
fullhtmlassignedrows =
requestkey = 706588
roles = null
rejectedByMap = [:]
fullrowhtmltablerows =
out =
listofallrolesinrequest = []
assigneemanager = admin
endpoint = AP1
requesttype = New Account
dynamicAttrsList = []
entitlementshtmltablerowsv2 = AP2 App_M AP2 Prod SaaS [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing AP2 App_M AP2 Test SaaS [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing AP1 App_M AP1 Prod Administrators [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System AP1 App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin [StartDate-(16 May 2023 13:57)UTC User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance
approvallink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/Approval_DataOwner.706588
allrolesinrequest =
requestlink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/Approval_DataOwner.706588?reqid=2897
email =
endpoints = (AP1, AP2)
entitlementshtmltablerows = AP2 App_M AP2 Prod SaaS XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Prod Cloud AP processing AP2 App_M AP2 Test SaaS XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing XyzCompany Federated SSO authentication AP2 Test Cloud AP processing AP1 App_M AP1 Prod Administrators Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System Complete and Unrestricted Access to the System AP1 App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance User Administrators for Master Data Maintenance
allRejectorsComments = null
rolesshtmltablerows =
manager = TA
approvedByMap = [:]
rolesApprovedOrRejected = []
rolename =
request_access = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3760
entitlement_values = [CN=App_M AP2 Prod SaaS,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP2 Test SaaS,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP1 Prod Administrators,OU=App_AP1,OU=Application Groups,OU=RGHL,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com, CN=App_M AP1 Prod AppAdmin,OU=App_AP1,OU=Application Groups,OU=RGHL,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com]
allApprovers = []
requestor = req_usernamexx
users = 81
allRejectors = []
task = com.saviynt.ecm.task.ArsTasks : 29042
requestid = 706588
rolemap = [:]
baseUrlForEmail =
assignee = admin
activityname = Grant_Access
accounts = [[name:81, obj:null]]
user = 81
curExecutionId = Approval_DataOwner.706588
accessItems = [com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3758, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3759, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3760, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3761, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 3762]
any solution suggestion is highly appreciated
05/16/2023 01:25 PM
Try using one of the below binding variable for your requirement.
Doc Reference -
${entitlementshtmltablerows} | Generates HTML Table rows as follows: This does not print <table> start tag and end tag. So, this can be defined in the email template as shown below: |
${entitlementshtmltablerowsv2} | Prints all the requested entitlements, their business justification, start date, and end date, by defining the tags in email template. |
${entitlementshtmltablerowsv3} | Generates HTML table to print Application Name, Entitlements, Entitlement Glossary, and Entitlement Description with the start date and end date, and Business Justification as specified by the requestor. |
05/16/2023 09:21 PM - edited 05/19/2023 01:54 AM
I used ${entitlementshtmltablerows} earlier, but it has 2 problem
1st is <th> Description </th> <th> Glossary </th> I don't want this two columns
2nd is I am using string function to trim displayname from entitlement value "CN=App_Q AP2 Prod AQwa,OU=Security Groups,OU=Users and Groups,DC=ssgrp,DC=XyzCompany,DC=com "
So that too is not working with this ${entitlementshtmltablerows} attribute
any solution to only get Endpoint and Entitlement columns only .
05/16/2023 09:48 PM
use iterator
05/16/2023 10:06 PM
Thank you for your response Rushi.
if possible can you help me with small code how to iterate it.
I have mentioned my email template code above for your reference
05/17/2023 07:04 AM
By using ${entitlementshtmltablerows} , I m getting 4 comums . I tried every possible way to remove Description and Glossary column. but not removing it.
any solution to this problem?
05/22/2023 07:53 PM
I am also trying same will keep you posted
05/31/2023 07:31 AM
Any update on this thread?
06/07/2023 04:50 AM
Hi Rushikesh
any update on this?