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Compare analytics results with next run

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Everyone,

We have a requirement to send email to user's manager from analytics when user meets certain condition, but we want them to be excluded in the next run of the analytics.

Is there a way we can compare the analytics results to exclude them in the next run?

Thanks in advance.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

There is no way to directly reference data from the last run of the analytics.
However this use case can be achieved with a workaround.
Can you share your use case/scenario in more detail ?

Krishna Gupta
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Hi Krishna,

Thanks for checking on this.

The use case is, when the user's data is imported to IGA from the HR source, we validate certain user attributes and if they are not as expected, we send an email to the user's manager informing them to correct it. 

As I am typing I think I can rely on the user_history table. I will try that way, but please let me know your thoughts.


Bharadwaj Y.

In this case why don’t you use preprocessor to do data filtering or using custom jar to send email automatically 

Rushikesh Vartak
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We did propose this, but our client did not want to disturb the import process as it would increase the load on the job as we have been facing few performance issues with the User Import job.


Bharadwaj Y.

In that case you can use a workaround with the following steps to address this use case:

1. Validate user attributes and if they are not as expected, update the User's CustomPropertyx to TRUE. (Add a condition to skip users whose CustomPropertyx is not null to avoid re-triggering for the same user).
2. Based on the update to User's CustomPropertyx in step 1, trigger an email from the user update rules.

To set the User's CustomPropertyx :
     a. Create a runtime analytics to validate the user attributes.
     b. Create a REST connector and use the UserImportJSON to make a REST API call to execute the analytics.
     c. Create a job to execute the UserImportJSON(you can create a chain job and add the job triggers to ensure this jobs runs just after users are imported).

Let me know if this approach suits your scenario, I can share samples for the artifacts.

Krishna Gupta
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Can you give same validation you are performing with one of CPx

Rushikesh Vartak
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To add more context on the use case, the comparison is with 2 user identities. 

If the CP11 of user1 is not equal to the CP60 of user2, this is when we expect this information is not as expected and report it to the user1's manager.


Bharadwaj Y.


Data is stores in elastic search hence you can’t compare action taken or result of last run.

Rushikesh Vartak
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