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Campaign export can generate report and send to email?

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Team,

 when we are exporting campaign, it gives a pop-up saying background job is running to export campaign once done it will send via email, but it doesn't instead we will be able to find export in my download. Should we configure something in order to receive the campaign export via email. Or is this product behavior? Please check below screenshot for reference.



Thank you,




You can configure email template in global configuration.



Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Rushikesh,

Thank you  for replying.Isnt this for analytics, dont want to configure it for analytics but for campaign export. Is it only way?

Thank you,


I believe its just the message. It can be downloaded from Saviynt as mentioned below:


Devang Gandhi
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This is messaging but don't you see any email export under downloads section ?

It shows for me in 24.5



Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Rushikesh,

yes I do see it and I can download it from there, One of client asked if the popup says it sending an email expectation will be that we will receive email. So can I configure something? or is it product limit? Do please let me know. All I see is download in my downloads as below. But what I wanna achieve is once I click on export as popup says it should send email to person who clicked on export.



Thank you,


In global configuration attach email template to report notification.

A background job is triggered for exporting large data, for example from Analytics History or SOD. When the report is ready for export, you configure this email template to notify the logged-in users using this email template. This email template can be set in global configurations. To set this email template in global configurations, go to Admin > Global Configurations > Preferences > Report email template.

Sample template:

Name: Report Download Email

To: ${}

Subject: Your downloded report is ready.

Hi ${user.firstname}, ${user.lastname},

These are details of the report:

Report is downloaded by - ${user.firstname}, ${user.lastname}, ${user.username}

Report file name: ${filename}

Download URL: ${url}

Report type: ${reportMap.get("reporttype")}

Report map: ${reportMap}

Binding variables:

The following table provides description of binding variables used to create this email template:

Binding Variable Description

${}, ${user.firstname}, ${user.lastname}, ${user.username}

Obtains the details of the logged in user such as email ID, firstname, lastname, displayname.


Obtains the name of the downloaded file with the absolute path.


Obtains the URL to download the reports.


Obtains other details about the report such as report type, complete path of the downloaded report.

For example,

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

For those that need to find this configuration, go to Admin -> Global Configuration -> Preferences. Then look for the "Report Email Template" option.  You can always of course search for it.

If you want an example of what you can use for the email template refer to this and look for the sub section "Configuring Email Templates for Reports".