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Advance configuration query for application owner campaign

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


Is it possible to limit the base account in application owner. I would like to exclude some of the entitlements and their respective accounts.

If try to limit the entitlements in entitlement query, it showing all the base accounts and limiting the entitlement only.

For example, one of application has base accounts 544 and around 1000 entitlements. when I try to limit the particular entitlement all the base account is visible. I need only the particular accounts and the entitlements.

If it is possible could you please share the steps/query to achieve this?

Thank you.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Mahes if you add 2 query for account and entitlement? What result does it show??



You can use above configs


Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@rushikeshvartak thanks for the reply, if we know all the account name, it is possible to achieve with your query. In my case I need to hide the base account which doesn't have the entitlement 'A'

for example if our application has entitlements A,B,C and so on and total base account  is 544.

Entitlement A is allotted to only 200 accounts out of 544  (I need to show only this base account not all the 544) I am sorry if my previous question was not clear. 

I tried all possibilities in account query but not able to achieve it. I am able to show only the entitlement A but not able to hide the base account which doesn't have entitlement A.

Thank you.

@NM thanks for your reply, I am able to achieve with two queries same as mentioned by Rushikesh.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Mahes to show only accounts part of a particular entitlement use account entitlement1 query

Account Entitlements1 Query : ae1.accountkey is not null and ae1.entitlement_valuekey=1



Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak I tried this query already, it is not working. If I use the same query in Data analyzer I am able to achieve the result but not in certification.

Is this a common behavior of Application Owner campaign?

Please share logs

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@NM could you please share the query? I have tried ae1 as well, I am not able to achieve it

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@rushikeshvartak and @NM thanks for your replies. I found the solution. Problem is not in the query, we need to configure the below option while creating campaign
