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Rest API using script to create Pending Tasks into Saviynt

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on August 28 2020 at 10:58 UTC


I have a need to recreate Provisioning Tasks and I have been able to

do it by using REST API connection and script.

But when I try to run Provisioning run, these Task Status is staying 'NEW',

when I compare to Requests that have been made directly from Saviynt by

Requesting them from UI, Status goes to Pending Provision(which means that Provisioning run

has been run). Anyhow All manually requested tasks are handled in Saviynt, but if I create

them by script, these are left to be in NEW state and Saviynt is not able to Provision these Tasks, why?

What would be missing from These Tasks that are created via Script compared to Tasks created by Saviynt UI(when manually generated)?

Best Regards, Päivi

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on September 11 2020 at 03:22 UTC

Hi Pallavi,

The application used for provisioning the tasks is connected or disconnected system.



This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.