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Did you know? We have the ability to Baseline an application

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on June 12 2020 at 17:00 UTC


1. When are user accounts and access considered as rogue?

Any user account or associated access provisioned outside of SSM will not have an ARS task association and is considered as rogue

2. What does baseline application mean?

Baselining an application is a process in which we identify and normalize all user accounts and associated access provisioned outside of SSM so that they are no longer considered as rogue

3. How did we implement Baselining an application before this out of the box feature?

We executed custom queries to manually identify the rogue accounts and access, then create a dummy task and associate the task to these rogue accounts and access so that they are no longer flagged as rogue. With Baseline Application feature, this process is automated

4. What ensues when we do not Baseline an application?

Revoke out of band access job picks up all the rogue accesses in an application where “Action for Out of Band Access Detection” is set with deprovision action and creates a deprovision task.


5. How has revoke out of band access job enhanced since baseline application feature roll out?

Revoke out of band access job intelligently detects and excludes an application that was never baselined

6. Can we baseline an existing application?

Yes. Click on “Baseline Application” button on Endpoint show page to baseline an existing application.


7. Can we baseline a new application?

Yes. Baseline feature is integrated with Application Data Import job to intelligently sense new applications being onboarded and baseline them after the initial reconciliation

8. Can we Re-baseline an application?

Yes. Click on “Re-baseline application” button on endpoint show page of any application which has already been baselined and newly reconciled accounts and access from target application which were provisioned outside of SSM will be baselined

9. Do we save audit for Baseline Application feature?

Yes, we save it and show it in a pop up when clicked on the (i) icon next to Re-baseline application button


10. Which SSM versions support this?

5.5.sp2, 5.5.0 and all 5.4.x

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on June 16 2020 at 02:54 UTC

Thanks Aarthi.

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.