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Did you know? How and where can you leverage the strength of SSM’s dynamic attributes?

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on October 9 2020 at 18:29 UTC

  1. What are the different types of dynamic attributes supported in SSM?

Account Level Dynamic Attributes: Number, String, Boolean, Enum, Large Text, Checkbox, Date, Password,Single Select from SQL query, Multi Select from List, Multi Select from SQL Query

User level Dynamic Attributes: Number, String, Boolean, Enum, Large Text, Checkbox, Date, Password,Single Select from SQL query, Multi Select from List, Multi Select from SQL Query, Encrypted

  1. How to access dynamic attributes in workflow?

Dynamic Attributes can be added in If Else block in a workflow to route approval based on dynamic attribute value

You need to select "groovy" in the "Expression language" dropdown, for having groovy / Java methods available.


  1. dynamicAttributes.get('Country') eq ‘USA’

Above sample can be used to route approval based on beneficiary user’s country

  1. (Date.parse('MM-dd-yyyy',dynamicAttributes.get('accountExpires')) < new Date().plus(366))

Above sample can be used to route modify account approval by checking for a dynamic attribute named accountExpires that is mapped to accounts column "validthrough". If the account expires in less than a year then request will be routed to an assignee versus account expires in more than a year, then request will be routed to another assignee

  1. How to access hidden dynamic attributes in workflow?

Hide on create/update dynamic attributes default value is exposed in workflow only when config “Expose hidden attributes in workflow” is ON

  1. How to access dynamic attributes in connector for provisioning use cases?

Sample: ${requestAccessAttributes?.location} – Location is the name of the dynamic attribute in request which can be passed in connector jsons

  1. How can you print dynamic attribute list in request emails?



${dynamicAttrsList.collect{it.attributeName.toString() + ': ' + it.attributeValue }.unique().join(', ')}

This will print the attributes like below:

Attrname1: Attrvalue1, Attrname2: Attrvalue2

  1. How do you change the values of a dynamic attribute based on another?

You can configure a parent and child attribute like below

In below sample, based on Country selection, Language attribute value selection will load. Based on Franchise selection, Player attributes will load

  1. How do you filter entitlements for selection and in selected list in application request form based on dynamic attributes?

You can add filter query in below config in EntitlementType show page

Sample: ev.customproperty1='$(<dynamicAttribute1>)'

  1. Can you filter roles based on dynamic attributes in application request forms?

Roles can be filtered by configuring “Requested Query” and “Selected Query” under Endpoints show>Role Type

Sample: role.status=1 and role.customproperty1 = '${dynamicattributevalue1}'

  1. Can you use dynamic attributes to arrive at an account name for service accounts?

Yes, this is supported for service account request. Below config in Endpoint show page needs to be configured

Sample: USA-${attribute1}${attribute2}###INCREMENTINDEX###${attribute3}

  1. Can you use hyperlink on dynamic attribute labels?

Dynamic attribute label with hyperlink can be configured as below

Label = 'Click to Visit <a href="">Need a Demo</a>'

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee
Originally posted on September 9 2021 at 23:29 UTC

Please note that below config need to be added in Config.groovy for point 10


ECMEMAILTEMPLATE related configs can be excluded.

This message was previously posted on Saviynt's legacy forum by a community user and has been moved over to this forum for continued exposure.