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PagerDuty Accounts and Access Import issue

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


we are currently in the process of onboarding PagerDuty. I found out that Saviynt has a an out-of-box solution to integrate Pager duty using the design tab.

I've been able to create the endpoint and the connection using the out-of-box solution. However, when I run an import Job to import accounts and entitlements, the job runs for about 30 minutes and nothing gets imported.

I've looked through the JSONs that were generated, and they look exactly like the samples provided in the docs. website (

I've validated that the API key works in Postman and the data is coming through without problem. But it just isn't working in Saviynt. any help is much appreciated.


Thank you,




Please share postman screenshot and curl command [Refer ]
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Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi @surajan 

Please follow the below steps to find out the root cause of the issue.

1. SAVE AND TEST CONNECTION - > Use testconnection params in connection JSON and see if the save and test connection is successful ?

2. ImportJSON - Once it is ensured that save and test connection is successful with test connectionparams, please check if the import JSON is correct. Headers etc. should match with the same in postman call. 

Please share the JSONs here excluding the actual URL/credentials and any other sensitive info.


Dhruv Sharma

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi all thank you for your responses.

The issue was resolved. when using the PagerDuty onboarding template, the template askes for the access token. But it does not create the ConnectionJSON accesstoken in the correct format.


So we switched to the  view and had to insert the Api key in the proper format ("Token token=***")

once that change was made, import worked as expected. 


Thank you,


Can you share final working connection json

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hi Rushikesh,

here is a working connection  JSON for pagerDuty

"authentications": {
"PagerDuty": {
"authType": "oauth2",
"httpHeaders": {
"Accept": "application/vnd.PagerDuty+json;version=2",
"contentType": "application/json"
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"httpContentType": "application/json",
"errorPath": "error.code",
"maxRefreshTryCount": 5,
"tokenResponsePath": "access_token",
"authHeaderName": "Authorization",
"accessToken": "Token token= u+yXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"httpParams": "[object Object]",
"authError": [